Recently, LeiLani Cauthen, CEO of Learning Counsel, led a thought-provoking panel discussion at the Learning Counsel Leadership Symposium. The panel featured distinguished educators, each offering unique perspectives on the challenges and opportunities surrounding workflow in education. Dr. Katie Lawson, Dr. Judith Campbell, and Dr. Tony Arbisi shared their insights, providing a comprehensive view of the evolving educational landscape.

Tony Arbisi, Director of Technology at Belton School District #124, kicked off the conversation by shedding light on the intricacies of workflow from a tech perspective. Emphasizing the importance of interoperability, he highlighted the need for systems to seamlessly work together. As education increasingly relies on dynamic environments and changing spaces, Tony stressed the significance of getting data and systems to work closely together for the benefit of the organization.

Dr. Judith Campbell, Deputy Superintendent of Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools, approached the topic from the curriculum side. She underscored the importance of consistency, conciseness, and synchronization in workflow. Narrowing the focus and maintaining a connection across shared work areas, Judith emphasized the impact on workflow and the necessity for streamlined processes to support both curriculum and technology integration.

Dr. Katie Lawson, Executive Director of Special Programs at North Kansas City Schools, brought a holistic perspective to the discussion. She highlighted the significance of educators understanding how various components of education, including technology and curriculum, are interconnected. Dr. Lawson emphasized the shift from isolated work to collaborative efforts, aiming to enhance both the work and learning experiences for educators and students alike.

LeiLani Cauthen posed a pivotal question about transitioning education in America into team thinking. Dr. Lawson responded by emphasizing the importance of recognizing and leveraging the strengths of educators. She emphasized the need to focus on strengths rather than shortcomings, encouraging collaboration and partnerships to benefit the entire team and, ultimately, the students.

Breaking Down Silos for Collaborative Success

Dr. Judith Campbell contributed to the conversation by addressing the challenge of breaking down silos in education. Acknowledging the persistence of an antiquated model due to the pressure of state assessments, she stressed the importance of ongoing conversations and collaborations. Dr. Campbell highlighted the potential for creating a unified platform where educators can collectively elevate each other, fostering positive outcomes for both staff and students.

Dr. Tony Arbisi concluded the discussion by underlining the importance of maximizing the effectiveness of educational practices. He recognized that collaboration and system integration can be challenging, but the effort is essential. Arbisi acknowledged the resistance to collaboration, citing the ease of staying within individual silos. However, he stressed that the benefits of a unified, flexible system make the hard work worthwhile.

The panel discussion led by LeiLani Cauthen and featuring Dr. Katie Lawson, Dr. Judith Campbell, and Dr. Tony Arbisi provided valuable insights into the complexities of workflow in education. From technology integration to curriculum consistency and the challenges of breaking down silos, the conversation underscored the importance of collaboration and the need for a unified, flexible system. As education continues to evolve, these discussions pave the way for innovative solutions that will positively