As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, it is becoming increasingly important to consider its role in our daily lives, especially in education. Dr. Royd Darrington, Assistant Superintendent of the Juab School District, believes that technology has been viewed primarily as a means of efficiency rather than a means of enhancing the human experience. While efficiency is undoubtedly important, Darrington warns that we should not forget about the potential drawbacks of this mindset.

Historically, humans have relied on one another to carry out tasks that require creativity, intuition, and empathy. However, with the development of technology, machines are being programmed to mimic these qualities, ultimately threatening the uniqueness and importance of the human experience. In the field of education, this means that we must be careful not to prioritize technology above the human connection between educators and students.

Darrington encourages leaders in education to consider the message that they are putting behind the use of technology. While there is no one right way to use any given piece of technology, we can always have the right intention. This means prioritizing the development of both the mind and the heart in the educational experience. Darrington quotes Aristotle, who believed that educating the mind without educating the heart is not education at all.

As educators, it is our responsibility to consider the ways in which technology can be used to enhance the educational experience, not simply to make it more efficient. This requires a mindful balance, one that prioritizes the human connection between educators and students while utilizing technology as a tool to enhance learning. By doing so, we can create an educational experience that is both technologically advanced and deeply rooted in human connection, ultimately leading to a more fulfilled, empathetic, and creative generation.